In the desperate need to get out of town, Adam Darland and I drove to Des Moines for some mischief and mayhem. We drove straight to the Half Price Books store. This store, if you have not heard of it, is heaven. Everything you could possibly imagine (books, music, movies/t.v. shows, accessories, etc.) for the most incredible prices. I purchased five normally pricey book, a season from a t.v. series, and a deck of wine cards for only $62. In shock, I forced Adam to go through the bag with me just so I could explain everything I got. He listened, I'm assuming, because I was his ride home.
We stopped by Gateway Market to grab some grub on the go; we ended up buying a loaf of olive bread, cheese, apples, chocolate and juice. Healthy, eh? Just to finish off any healthy cell in our body, we stopped by this Chinese grocery store to acquire a durian fruit for our class to see. This fruit's edible flesh emits a distinctive odor, strong and penetrating even when the husk is intact. Regarded by some as fragrant, others as overpowering and offensive, the smell evokes reactions from deep appreciation to intense disgust. The odor has led to the fruit's banishment from certain hotels and public transportation in Southeast Asia.
While roaming the candy isle in the store, I secretly searched for White Rabbit Creamy Candy. As a child, my dad would always buy us children this candy and pass it out as a treat. The memory of it's taste was so strong in my mind that I just could not let it go; I needed to get this candy. A soft, chewy textured taffy-like candy wrapped in edible rice paper, this candy gained popularity with the slogan, "Seven White Rabbit candies is equivalent to one cup of milk". Reportedly, some college students took that seriously and dissolved the candies with water in a hot kettle.
Anyhow, I searched and found the White Rabbits in a red bag. "I could have sworn the bag was originally blue..." I remarked to Adam. Almost in a daze, I approached the counter. (At this moment I would like to thank Adam; they would not accept checks and I swear my wallet ate all the money, so he gave me three dollar coins to spend on this purchase. ) Only knowing about the vanilla flavored White Rabbits as a child, which had the blue and white bag, without realizing, I bought the red bean flavor. Thus, the red bag. Slightly different in taste, I still enjoyed the moment when I savored the flavor of the White Rabbit.
All's well that ends well, and despite the weather and one close call, we made it home safe.
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